Friday, February 24, 2023

Daydreaming About Camping

Have you noticed the weather in Michigan can't make up its mind? Even though it can't decide whether it wants to rain, snow or sunshine (sometimes all in one day) we know for sure it's still not camping season. However, this bizarre weather won't stop me from daydreaming about our traveling plans. Here's what we know so far:

Booked Campsites

We're going to Copper Harbor!! 

It's been a dream of Ryan's for several years to go as a family. He has stayed in Copper Harbor 6 years in a row to mountain bike with a group of his guy friends. This year they are bringing the ladies! I can't wait to see it in person. Ryan has always described Copper Harbor as, "a whole different world." It's going to be a long drive (almost 10 hours) but I want to see this edge of the Earth, wilderness, water falls, mountain biker destination. 

Canyon Falls Roadside Park, Michigan
(Photo by my husband, Ryan)

We are going to Pentwater!

Pentwater is where my roots are, pretty much the place I call my hometown, so it's tradition to go camping there every Summer. Our tradition includes Hill & Hollow Campground, my sister and her family, at least one meal with our big family, mini golfing and yard sales! You know I'm a sucker for a bargain. My goal this year is to not get sick (I will spare you the details of last year) so, I can enjoy pool time, campfire stories and hammocking. 

Mini Golfing at AJ's 2021

Potential Plans

I was browsing Michigan based blogs the other day and came across a Traverse City wine tasting guide. We've been wine tasting there before, but one time isn't enough. The photos made me want to go back to explore vineyards, taste Michigan wine in the Summer (last time we went in the Fall), and camp as well. Ryan knew the exact campsite to book, too! I bought him a State Park tracker for Christmas so camping in Traverse City will help us on our mission to mark off a few State Parks this year. 

I have a feeling we might camp a few more times. We'll just see where the Summer takes us.

Camping Meal Ideas

I wanted to include meal idea because this year we have more options for meals and here is why: We got a collapsible grill AND a microwave! Honestly, I don't know which one I am more excited about. 

We can keep leftovers to reheat, microwave mac and cheese or oatmeal! We can grill instead of waiting for hot coals in the firepit. What about burgers and steak? 

Don't get me wrong, eggs over the campfire in the morning are my favorite, but how nice to have the option to use the grill! Cooking this season will be much easier now. I think I will have a very happy chef this camping season. 

I have a feeling we will also include some of our favorites like hobo dinners and Wheatland Burritos. 

What are some of your favorite camping locations and meals? Do you have plans for future stays? Do you cook over the fire or is your setup more modernized? I'd love to hear all your plans!

Happy Camper, Karlee

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Book Club Questions - Help Me Remember By Corinne Michaels


At the start of book club we realized very quickly there wasn't a lot of resources online for discussion questions. As a solution we decided to compile general questions from online as well as opening our discussions to any questions members might have. Luckily, my sister is so awesome and saved all her questions for us to share with you! Here's the first of many book club questions. 

Book: Help Me Remember

Author: Corinne Michaels

1. Do you think the title 'Help Me Remember' is a good fit?

2. Do you think there should be a different title for the book? If yes, what would you title it?

3. Do you think there is a chance Brielle was actually with Henry?

4. Were you confused at any point throughout the book?

5. What feelings did the book give you?

6. Could you put yourself in Brielle's place?

7. What is the significance of the title of the book?

8. How important was the time period?

9. How important was the setting to the story?

10. What did you like most about the book?

11. What did you like least about the book?

12. How do you feel about the ending?

I really enjoyed Help Me Remember. If you have a chance to check it out I recommend it! And if you are a book club member, like myself, and choose it for your book club I hope you find these questions useful.

Book Club Mama, 


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Let's Talk Calendars

This blog may contain affiliate links to my Amazon Shop.

The other day one of my team members asked me how many calendars I have, for the record I have 4 but 2 are social media calendars. I was happy to explain to her my process and what works for me, so I decided I wanted to share it with you all in hopes you'll find a tip or two. It took me a while to finally land on a system that works well, but now that I have it my schedules run much smoother. I’ll give you some insight into my calendars and preferences, but remember it’s about what works best for you! 

I've always been an agenda book girl. I love shopping for an agenda book every December, in preparation for the new year ahead. I am a creative person so I like to add color with washi tape and stickers. I enjoy tracking my day. I also love making a checklist and marking off items. Tracking my day and checklists help me to accomplish a lot on a very busy day. I also found that I feel accomplished when I cross off completed items and reflect on my day. 

Knowing these things about myself helped me decide that a planner with an hourly layout will work best. Tip: Even though I enjoy shopping at the end of the year, I recommend looking for mid-year planners. I picked up a planner at the end of 2022 that goes from July - June. It was $4! 

How I utilize my planner: 

First, I reference my monthly Outlook calendar (more on that later) and write down any scheduled items, meetings, etc. in my planner. Then, I jot down my to do lists in hourly spots in between my scheduled items. If I do additional tasks I add those as I go through my day. I use my to-do section or side columns for follow up items. 

Next, I chose a color scheme for each week. I add note stickers, sticky notes and washi tape so that I continue to enjoy returning to my list throughout the day. It’s kind of a positive way to stay grounded. 

Once I complete a task/items I highlight them. Oh! Check out my favorite highlighters here. By highlighting completed items, instead of crossing them off, I can look back on what I worked on that day or reference them in the future.

Another thing I truly enjoy about this planner is the monthly view. I fill in just a small note on days we had events or did something fun! I combined junk journaling/scrapbooking into my month layout; another way I use my planner creatively. It’s a rewarding way to look back at a month. I always feel grateful and blessed for what I got to do that month. 

To quickly sum up the last few things about my planner that I enjoy, I want to mention the pockets in the back, they are so nice for storing sticker sheets or notes. Also, take advantage of the inside of the covers for specific notes for yourself or things you reference often! 

Now onto my 2nd calendar:

By default, I use the calendar that my work uses: Outlook. I love it. For years I tried to keep my personal calendar separate from my work calendar, but eventually combined them. I quickly noticed the convenience of looking at a day, week, or month with all my scheduled events and reminders in one place. If this exact calendar isn't an option for you there's plenty of other options. An electronic calendar with the option for alarms/reminders is a life saver! 

How I utilize my Outlook Calendar:

Alarms and reminders save me! TIP: Sometimes if an appointment or meeting requires preparation or additional planning I set a reminder a day or two before the scheduled appointment. This way a reminder goes off and I don’t spend as much time cramming this information into my brain. Plus, I won’t miss an appointment! What’s that saying? ‘Set it and forget it.'

Outlook also has the option for color coding. I categorize my colors per family member and per job. Color coding is another way to organize your calendar and triggers your brain on what appointment belongs to who or what. 

This last thing and my #1 favorite thing about an electronic calendar is the ability to sync it to my phone. I’ve been at the doctor’s office, book club, in conversation, even my hair salon and can quickly check my availability AND set a new appointment right in the moment. It’s amazing! 

If you want to move to the next level with your calendar or agenda book just remember, it’s about what works for you! Handwritten calendar vs digital calendar, small planner or large planner, hourly slots vs daily spots; there is plenty of options. Make your planner or calendar a fun place to revisit daily. It's truly about what works for you. Once you find what that thing is it's easier to stick to it! 

Your calendar loving friend,


Friday, February 3, 2023

Ready to Start Again

To start off, I want to tell you a bit about my journey. I want you to know a bit about how I landed on, and eventually, found my way back to blogging. If you don’t know me already I think this blog is a good place to start. In a sense, the first chapter.

I started blogging when Ryan and I were a newly engaged couple as a way to share my journey with the world. That was 11 years ago and here we are now: married and (mostly) happily in love. ;P

When I started blogging, I loved it! Writing online was a positive outlet and I got to share my perspective with the world. If my words reached just one person and made them smile, I knew I was making a small ripple in this big world. That was my ultimate goal. It was also a way to express stressful or difficult situations by reflecting on them. Most of the time I found a way to add humor and positivity to the experiences, giving myself strength and new energy. 

When I became a mom I found less time to write consistently. Motherhood changed me in so many ways. If you're a parent you understand the list is very long. Motherhood wasn’t the reason I quit writing. Actually, I continued to write about motherhood and my family for many years after Edee was born. My focus changed slightly with this new role as a Mom. I wanted to reach other moms who might be going through similar things, share how I cope, and to also show other Moms they aren't alone. At this stage in life I just wasn’t writing as often.

When I started my career, 10 years ago in October, my blog took a back seat. I blogged here and there but focusing on my family, my job, plus a hobby-turned-business was more than a full plate for me. My creative outlet, self care, therapy at this time became crocheting and graphic design. If there's one thing you should know about me it's that having a creative outlet is fuel for my soul. 

But, confession time…

I stopped blogging. I realized at some point I lost track of why I started blogging. All of a sudden I was logging on just to see how many views my blog post received. When my views were high I was excited and inspired to write more. When they were low, I was sad and analyzed why a blog didn't get seen. I questioned if I was good enough to be writing a blog.

Right around this time my blog started generating money. Just pennies here and there but it quickly became my focal point. I was more interested in trying to make money off views. A little extra cash is nice but far from my why. When I realized this, I knew I had to take a step back. Stepping back from doing something I enjoyed left a gap. I wasn't writing for my own benefit anymore.

All along I should’ve been logging on to share my story because that’s what was most important to me. I just got lost along the way.  

Fast forward to today.

One of the most rewarding things I find now is that I have all my writing to look back on and eventually share with my daughters. Future generations can read my stories, new Moms can find a good laugh and maybe even find optimism from my humor. My journey will always be there. This is one of the many reasons I couldn't fully let go of writing.

Do I regret not continuing to write my blog consistently? Not at all! I made space for other things like camping, paddle boarding, seeing lighthouses in Michigan, selling handmade items in 5 stores, reading, raising an energetic and loving daughter, growing my relationship with my husband, growing my career and investing in myself. Plus so much more… 

Now that I’ve determined how to combine all of my interests into one space and have refocused on my why, I am reinvigorated and excited. I am ready to continue writing not just for myself, but for others, too. I have the same goal in mind, but bigger! I hope you stick around to see what Booked In Michigan is all about.


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