Thursday, February 16, 2023

Book Club Questions - Help Me Remember By Corinne Michaels


At the start of book club we realized very quickly there wasn't a lot of resources online for discussion questions. As a solution we decided to compile general questions from online as well as opening our discussions to any questions members might have. Luckily, my sister is so awesome and saved all her questions for us to share with you! Here's the first of many book club questions. 

Book: Help Me Remember

Author: Corinne Michaels

1. Do you think the title 'Help Me Remember' is a good fit?

2. Do you think there should be a different title for the book? If yes, what would you title it?

3. Do you think there is a chance Brielle was actually with Henry?

4. Were you confused at any point throughout the book?

5. What feelings did the book give you?

6. Could you put yourself in Brielle's place?

7. What is the significance of the title of the book?

8. How important was the time period?

9. How important was the setting to the story?

10. What did you like most about the book?

11. What did you like least about the book?

12. How do you feel about the ending?

I really enjoyed Help Me Remember. If you have a chance to check it out I recommend it! And if you are a book club member, like myself, and choose it for your book club I hope you find these questions useful.

Book Club Mama, 


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