Thursday, February 9, 2023

Let's Talk Calendars

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The other day one of my team members asked me how many calendars I have, for the record I have 4 but 2 are social media calendars. I was happy to explain to her my process and what works for me, so I decided I wanted to share it with you all in hopes you'll find a tip or two. It took me a while to finally land on a system that works well, but now that I have it my schedules run much smoother. I’ll give you some insight into my calendars and preferences, but remember it’s about what works best for you! 

I've always been an agenda book girl. I love shopping for an agenda book every December, in preparation for the new year ahead. I am a creative person so I like to add color with washi tape and stickers. I enjoy tracking my day. I also love making a checklist and marking off items. Tracking my day and checklists help me to accomplish a lot on a very busy day. I also found that I feel accomplished when I cross off completed items and reflect on my day. 

Knowing these things about myself helped me decide that a planner with an hourly layout will work best. Tip: Even though I enjoy shopping at the end of the year, I recommend looking for mid-year planners. I picked up a planner at the end of 2022 that goes from July - June. It was $4! 

How I utilize my planner: 

First, I reference my monthly Outlook calendar (more on that later) and write down any scheduled items, meetings, etc. in my planner. Then, I jot down my to do lists in hourly spots in between my scheduled items. If I do additional tasks I add those as I go through my day. I use my to-do section or side columns for follow up items. 

Next, I chose a color scheme for each week. I add note stickers, sticky notes and washi tape so that I continue to enjoy returning to my list throughout the day. It’s kind of a positive way to stay grounded. 

Once I complete a task/items I highlight them. Oh! Check out my favorite highlighters here. By highlighting completed items, instead of crossing them off, I can look back on what I worked on that day or reference them in the future.

Another thing I truly enjoy about this planner is the monthly view. I fill in just a small note on days we had events or did something fun! I combined junk journaling/scrapbooking into my month layout; another way I use my planner creatively. It’s a rewarding way to look back at a month. I always feel grateful and blessed for what I got to do that month. 

To quickly sum up the last few things about my planner that I enjoy, I want to mention the pockets in the back, they are so nice for storing sticker sheets or notes. Also, take advantage of the inside of the covers for specific notes for yourself or things you reference often! 

Now onto my 2nd calendar:

By default, I use the calendar that my work uses: Outlook. I love it. For years I tried to keep my personal calendar separate from my work calendar, but eventually combined them. I quickly noticed the convenience of looking at a day, week, or month with all my scheduled events and reminders in one place. If this exact calendar isn't an option for you there's plenty of other options. An electronic calendar with the option for alarms/reminders is a life saver! 

How I utilize my Outlook Calendar:

Alarms and reminders save me! TIP: Sometimes if an appointment or meeting requires preparation or additional planning I set a reminder a day or two before the scheduled appointment. This way a reminder goes off and I don’t spend as much time cramming this information into my brain. Plus, I won’t miss an appointment! What’s that saying? ‘Set it and forget it.'

Outlook also has the option for color coding. I categorize my colors per family member and per job. Color coding is another way to organize your calendar and triggers your brain on what appointment belongs to who or what. 

This last thing and my #1 favorite thing about an electronic calendar is the ability to sync it to my phone. I’ve been at the doctor’s office, book club, in conversation, even my hair salon and can quickly check my availability AND set a new appointment right in the moment. It’s amazing! 

If you want to move to the next level with your calendar or agenda book just remember, it’s about what works for you! Handwritten calendar vs digital calendar, small planner or large planner, hourly slots vs daily spots; there is plenty of options. Make your planner or calendar a fun place to revisit daily. It's truly about what works for you. Once you find what that thing is it's easier to stick to it! 

Your calendar loving friend,


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